Auto insurance deductibles are what you will pay out-of-pocket after you have made a claim. Deductibles are adjustable and typically your insurance premium will lower the higher your deductible is (i.e. $250 deductible with have higher premiums when compared to a $1,500 deductible). Depending on your policy, you may have multiple deductibles for different coverage – your Cambridge Insurance agent can go over these options with you.
It’s important to remember that your insurance premium drops with higher deductibles because the insured is taking on a bigger financial obligation should something occur. Where people run into trouble is when they try to reduce their monthly expenses by increasing their deductible amount, but do not properly save enough money to cover their deductible when it’s needed. For the majority of people: poor planning with deductibles caused more financial and emotional stress than the little bit of savings it provided each month.
Cambridge Insurance Services want our clients to be empowered with their protection, which is why we spend so much time finding policies that will fit their needs and then use several insurance providers to get the best price. We always focus on protection first and because of that, our clients avoid financial headaches due to deductible costs.
For a free insurance review call: 480-409-0500
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